304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
What is Orbeez? Orbeez are made of a polymer bead that is water-absorbent and, when placed in water, transforms into a ball that is pliable, dewy, and buoyant. Children and adults of all ages enjoy the numerous opportunities for sensory…
Do gel balls dissolve? This is a question that has been on the minds of many people lately. What are gel balls, you ask? They are small, round pieces of water beads that are often used in the world of safe shooting…
Did you know that some splatter ball gun types are modeled off of some of the classics like the world’s most popular Glock pistol? Orbeez, the soft and squishy bead that can be used for cleaning, creating art, and having summer fun, and that…
Over the last few months, orbeez guns and gel blasters have taken the internet by storm for all reasons. As one of the best sources of immense fun and entertainment, these toy guns have grown in popularity among men and…
What Are Orbeez Guns and Gel Blasters? Orbeez guns, also called gel blasters, are very popular fun toys on the market today. These water guns, which carry orbeez shots, gained all the hype around the globe. They can be used…