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10 Best Splatter Ball Guns for This Summer

Did you know that some splatter ball gun types are modeled off of some of the classics like the world’s most popular Glock pistol? Orbeez, the soft and squishy bead that can be used for cleaning, creating art, and having summer fun, and that can be shot from a gun has become a popular option for entertainment. 

As if gel beads and their texture weren’t fun enough, these beads are able to absorb water, grow significantly in size, and become a squishable texture and consistency while also being able to bounce.

While they offer endless fun, some are still wondering what an Orbeezgun is, and how they are creating the perfect solution to Summer fun and enhancing what you can do with the Orbeez themselves. Instead of scouring the internet looking through countless types of Orbeez guns, keep reading to jump right to the top ten Orbeez guns and save yourself some time.

What Is a Splatter Ball Gun?

Many people ask what is a splatter ball gun. Simply put, a splatter ball gun is a device made specifically to shoot Orbeez balls, also better known as water beads or gel balls.

The Orbeez gun is ready to be loaded with your Orbeez, right after you soak them. The way it works is that a small pump works to pressurize the beads which in turn propels the Orbeez through the air. 

Basically, there is a spring-loaded hammer that hits the center of the grenade or the base of the grenade and this is what allows for the propelling action. The concept is similar to those found in Nerf guns. The mechanism is simple but extremely effective for shooting Orbeez great distances. 

This makes the opportunity to take these tactile toys to a new level given that an Orbeez gun can shoot around 65 feet or even farther depending on the model. With the different types of Orbeez guns on the market, you could host countless summer events like;

  • Extreme Capture the Flag
  • Paintball but with Orbeez as a substitution
  • An obstacle course that involves opposing teams
  • Any competition that involves having a good aim

The gelatinous substance makes great ammo and it has multiple purposes. With Summer in full swing, people aren’t just wondering what an Orbeez gun is and what they can use it for, they want to know how much these feature-packed guns cost.

How Much Is a Splatter Ball Gun?

If you’re asking yourself, “how much is a splatter ball gun?” you should know that the price for an Orbeez gun will often range. For some of the top options on the market, you would be looking at a range between $49.98 and $109.98. This means that your Summer plans with Orbeez can be easily attainable.

With affordable options and easy-to-use features, Orbeez and Orbeez guns are often given as gifts. What makes it better is that when you shop with Orbeez Gun, you will often have your gel ammo included.

Also, a lot of the time, the answer to this question is going to depend on a few factors. The main factor is, which type of Orbeez gun are you looking for? There are several different types of Orbeez guns on the market and they don’t all have the same features such as their shooting range, ammo capacity, etc.

10 Best Splatter Ball Guns for This Summer

Finding the best Orbeez gun can get tough considering all of the options on the market. Let’s take a look at some of the top options on the market today and their features to help you narrow down your choices.

1. Glock Splatter Ball Gun

Glock Gel Blaster

If you’re looking for a compact design, portability, and a sporty finish, this Orbeez gel gun, or more specifically, this Glock pistol is replicated based on the real thing and would be a great choice. This is a unique durable option for competition games as well as for easy and precise shooting. This gun has a shooting range of 65ft, fires automatically once the trigger is pressed, and has a shooting rate of 155fps.

Complete with a clear magazine to enhance the aesthetic and a detachable soft-grip, you get more than what you’d think. You also get a pair of goggles, a USB charging cable, and even a pack of Orbeez to get you started.

2. M4A1 Gel Blaster 

M4A1 Gel Blaster

If you’re preparing to head into battle, this gel blaster is going to give you the 15-meter coverage you need. This is a great option for those that want an all-in-one gel ball weapon. You get a bit of everything, if not everything you need for various environments.

One of its top features is that you will have the ability to switch between automatic and manual shooting. The battery is also rechargeable and pretty powerful, offering three to four hours of endless play after only charging the gel blaster for one hour. 

3. MP5 Electric Gel Ball Blaster 

MP5 Electric Gel Ball Blaster

An electric gel ball blaster has an even longer shooting range reaching 45-65 feet. This Orbeez gun is a great option for any type of group event you want to hold during Summer.

It’s compact, powerful, and gives you a realistic experience. With the electric gel blaster, you will notice, that it’s the perfect choice for group activities and that it can be easily handled.

4. M134 Orbeez Gatling Gun 

M134 Orbeez Gatling Gun

If you’re looking for a unique design, six barrels to shoot your ammo, continuous firing capabilities, and all at high speeds, you’ve found your next favorite Orbeez gun. You can shoot up to 50 feet with this and you will have the capacity to load 600 Orbeez. The Gatling shape design is also the most popular feature of this gun.

5. JM-X2 Gel Blaster Drum Mag

JM-X2 Gel Blaster

For those that want more of a handgun style, the blaster drum mag is a splatter ball gun that offers an easy-to-handle design. It also has the capability to send your water-filled ammo traveling at a rate of 140 fps. If you aren’t already impressed, you might be by the fact that you can surprise your competition with a fire rate of 8 rounds per second.

6. Electric AKM 47 Gel Blaster

Electric AKM 47 Gel Blaster

With high range shooting between approximately 50-65 feet and the ability to shoot 300 gel balls per minute, this Orbeez gel gun might set you ahead in your Summer escapades. Not only can you shoot far and shoot fast, but the magazine for this powerful blaster can also hold up to 600-700 Orbeez. This makes it great for both long-range and long-term fun.

7. Automatic M249 Splatter Ball Gun

Automatic M249 Splatter Ball Gun

If you’re looking to hunker down and have a top tactical option, the automatic M249 won’t disappoint. The material it’s made from is a long-lasting plastic and the rifle design itself offers stands for precision-based shooting.

While giving accuracy and the ability to be used for two to three hours on a single charge, this is a great option for those ready for extreme paintball-styled games and competitions.

8. M416 Gel Blaster

M416 Gel Blaster

This gel blaster is going to give you more of a sense of the real thing. Complete with a high capacity for Orbeez, a stealth design, and a magazine ready to be loaded, any Orbeez enthusiast could handle this blaster and its rifle design. If you are looking for a tactical option with a sleek design, the M416 is one of the best Orbeez Guns.

9. Orbeez Gun Pistol IMI Desert Eagle 

Gel Blaster Pistol

For something that’s lightweight, you still get long-lasting quality and an easy-to-use design. This popular option was made with the Desert Eagle pistol in mind and was made to be drop-resistant. This makes this option easily handled by a variety of ages and will also present fewer opportunities for them to break.

The design is quite sophisticated while remaining simple and even features a simulated silencer. This not only increases the distance of your shot, but the gun itself can also reach up to 65ft.

Safety goggles are included along with a clear ammo loader, the silencer we mentioned, and two packs of gel balls. This option is equipped for right out for the box fun.

10. 3D Virtual Reality Orbeez Gun 

3D Virtual Reality Orbeez Gun

There are at least 57.4 million U.S. citizens that use VR capabilities in some form. While VR is popular in video games, did you know that you can create an immersive experience with a supply of hydrogel beads and a 3D VR Orbeez gun? With the ability to shoot up to 20 meters and the capability of connecting to your smartphone to bring games to life right on your screen, this Orbeez gun has taken Orbeez fun to new heights.

All you have to do is install the app using the QR code that you will get with the gun, attach your phone to the gun, fill the chamber with your squishy bullets, and you’re ready to go.

Are You Ready for Fun Challenges?

If you’re looking for the perfect Orbeez gun to match your Summer plans, you don’t have to look too much farther than Orbeez Gun. With a wide variety of affordable, long-range, and easy-to-use Orbeez guns, planning a Summer full of competitions and games hasn’t been easier.

These options offer top market features and benefits that work for all ages and enhance the experiences you can have with these water-filled beads. Ready to level up your Summer with a new Orbeez gun?

Check out our inventory today or reach out to [email protected] with questions. 

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